birch sap, biochemical processes, fermentation process, titrated acidity, lactic acidAbstract
The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of the study of the parameters of the fermentation process of birch sap to obtain on its basis new types of natural blended sap. The general characteristics and expediency of using natural juices are given. It is noted that the juices contain in unchanged form and in optimal amounts useful substances for the body (vitamins, easily digestible organic minerals, trace elements, enzymes, natural sugars, alkali metals, natural medicines, plant hormones, antibiotics, etc). In particular, birch sap, due to the rich composition of macro-and micronutrients, is an effective remedy for many diseases and a useful vitamin drink to strengthen the immune system and nervous system, which is especially true during the pandemic COVID-19. The results of experimental determination of titrated acidity of fermented birch sap are highlighted. Calculations of titrated acidity were performed according to the equation of kinetics, taking into account the kinetic coefficients determined according to experimental data. The results showed good closeness to the experimental values. The value of the relative error is in the range of 0.24–9.45%, which is quite acceptable for the mathematical description of biochemical processes. The linear direct proportional nature of the dependence of the titrated acidity of fermented birch sap on the initial concentration of sugars is determined: the rate of lactic acid accumulation during fermentation is very low at the beginning of fermentation, higher in the middle stage and reaches the highest values at the end of fermentation. Given the described nature of the laws of kinetics of lactic acid accumulation, a rational duration of the fermentation process in 4 days is recommended, which allows to achieve a sufficiently high degree of lactic acid accumulation. A further increase in duration leads to a significant slowdown in the fermentation process. It is noted that even after heat treatment and storage, the developed types of juices have significant microbicidal activity, reducing the number of microorganisms in the studied strains by 30 or more times.
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