location, optimization, mathematical method, local optimum, discrete-logistics model, optimal location, forecastingAbstract
The project of the software complex was developed to optimize the location of the elements of the hospital fund with the help of mathematical methods, which allows to warn the user promptly about the possibility of optimizing the hospital ward scheme, observe the state of the hospital workload in general, provide recommendations in the form of proposed options for placing elements of the hospital fund, perform analysis of indicators. The software complex has the function of alerting the user when the scheme needs changes and the application transfers the right to provide location recommendations. The doctor’s supervision of the placement of the patient on the “Observer” template in the PHP programming language is implemented. The creation of a backup on the “Builder” template in the PHP programming language was implemented, which allowed to improve the efficiency of the program, improve the support of the program, and transfer the program to another platform. In this paper, mathematical methods were used to predict the optimal placement of elements of the hospital fund, which makes it possible to receive predicted schemes of the possible placement of elements in the chamber, to receive recommendations for improving the location. Using mathematical methods to optimize geometric elements, it is possible to develop and implement complex medical processes using software such as “AssemblyScript” (WebAssembly). The wide functionality of the library makes it possible to create a mathematical model of any complexity. The software and methodological complex can be used as a doctor’s assistant, as well as an administrator and its replacement. As a replacement, there is a risk that the system may fail in forecasting or an incorrect recommendation scheme with little probability. The system should be brought to the most possible accuracy for further consideration as a replacement for the administrator of the hospital institution and a small part of the doctor.
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