technological process, graph model, program, scenario-target analysis, system analysis, A-scenario, C-scenarioAbstract
The article considers the technological process of butter production in a continuous way by whipping cream. The expediency of using scenario target analysis for complex technological processes with variable parameters is substantiated, affecting the moisture content in the oil for rapid response and stabilization of the process. A graph model of the technological process is built, which reflects the physical structure of the technological line and the material connections between them. It facilitates the analysis of the technological process that takes place in the middle of the system, shows the logic of the operation and the direction of its movement, the relationship between the elements. The basic program with the defined: operations which occur is constructed; resources involved in the operation; goals that must be achieved. An A-scenario is formed, which reflects a macro-representation of the sequence of necessary controls to achieve the goals. The article also shows the process of building a C-scenario control of the process of whipping cream into butter. The C-scenario contains the attributes of the object and a description of the states of its life cycle, which allow to describe the standard sequences of interconnected facts in relation to a particular technological situation. The result of the conducted system analysis is the addition of the information-analytical component to the subsystems of diagnostics and forecasting of the state of the technological process of butter production.
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