tubular gas heater, underground horizontal channel, multicriteria optimization, evolutionary search algorithmAbstract
Effective heating of open industrial sites is an urgent problem of using industrial enterprises in Ukraine in the reconstruction of existing enterprises. When heating industrial sites in the shops of industrial enterprises there is no need to create a heating system of the whole shop, and it is necessary to heat only the open area in the shop which is not heated. Radiant heating systems are used for heating open areas. But radiant heating of open areas has shown that despite significant radiant heat fluxes, cooled air penetrates from below to the open area. Recently, it was proposed to use a combined means of heating open industrial sites – on the border of the heating zone are used narrowly directed beam heating, as well as the creation of an air curtain of cold air at floor level. A mathematical model has been developed for tubular gas heaters located in horizontal channels, which can be used for decision-making in the heating system of an open industrial site. But for this mathematical model, the criteria for making optimal decisions have not been developed and no algorithm for solving problems of optimization of open site heating with tubular gas heaters in the channels to create air curtains at the boundary of the heating zone. Criteria for optimizing the heating of open areas with tubular gas heaters in the channels have been developed. For mathematical modeling of heat exchange processes in tubular heaters with air supply for its heating, the previously obtained experimental results of the authors’ scientific research are used. For mathematical modeling of the efficiency of the tubular heater as an air curtain, the results of experimental studies of air curtains, which are presented in the literature, were used. The choice of optimal multicriteria solutions is formulated using the choice in the form of blocking. To find multi-criteria solutions for optimizing the heating of an open area with tubular gas heaters in a horizontal channel, an evolutionary search algorithm with a selection function in the form of blocking has been developed. The results of numerical search of multicriteria solutions of the given optimization problem are obtained, from which the convergence of numerical results of search of solutions at application in algorithm of several branches of evolutionary process is visible.
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