


bread, pumpkin flour, variety, quality, wheat flour, bread volume.


Pumpkin powder contains a complex of necessary physiologically functional ingredients and, thus, it can be used in the production of functional products. The article presents the study results of the effect of adding pumpkin flour of different varieties on the technological parameters of wheat bread (drying, baking, bread volume, ratio of bread volume to dough volume). Bread baking varied from 13.4% to 13.9% depending on the variety. The highest indicator was in the control variant, in the remaining varieties this indicator did not change significantly and amounted to 13.4–13.5, which is 3–4% less. Bread drying, depending on the variety, did not change significantly and amounted to 5.0–5.4%. This indicator was the lowest in the control variant of 5.0%, which can be explained by the absence of pumpkin flour in bread. It was found that bread volume was 203–225 cm3/100 g of dough. The highest volume was in the variant without pumpkin flour – 225 cm3/100 g of dough, the smallest – with the addition of pumpkin flour of Ukrainian multi-fruited, Potimarron and Mozoliivskyi 15 varieties. Therefore, the addition of pumpkin flour led to a decrease in volume, while the variety did not significantly affect this indicator. This tendency is due to the fact that 10% of wheat flour was replaced with pumpkin flour. The trends in the mixture volume with powder depending on the type of pumpkin were similar, but this indicator varied within 321–354 cm3/100 g of the mixture of wheat flour and pumpkin flour. So, the highest indicator was in the control variant, which is 8–10% higher than the remaining variants. It was found that the ratio of bread volume to dough volume without adding pumpkin flour to it was the highest – 2.13. In variants with the addition of pumpkin flour, this indicator was lower by 9–10% compared to the control variant. Replacing 10% of wheat flour with pumpkin one provided 1.93–1.95 cm3 of bread from 1 cm3 of such a mixture.


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How to Cite

Любич, В. В., Карпенко, В. П., Желєзна, В. В., & Новіков, В. В. (2022). BREAD QUALITY WITH PUMPKIN FLOUR OF DIFFERENT VARIETIES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (4), 74-81.