



high-precision measurements, monitoring station, landslides of the earth's surface, settlement and deformation of structures, systematic errors.


Observation of landslides, subsidence and deformations of the structure is of great importance for determining the strength and stability of the structure, for timely prevention of their destruction or a timely signal about the onset of an emergency. Observations are conducted by means of highly accurate and systematic geodetic measurements. With uniform compression of the soil under the influence of the weight of the structure, the settlement of the structure occurs, which decreases and stops over time. If the soils settle unevenly, then, depending on their nature and type, tilting, bending, skewing, twisting and tearing of structures may occur. Changes in the spatial position of the building are called deformations, shifts in the horizontal plane, and subsidence in the vertical plane. In 2019, in the buildings and structures of the Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, where the negative dynamics of manifestations of deformations were recorded, complex monitoring stations were laid for the study of these negative manifestations, where systematic high-precision geodetic measurements are carried out. The complex of geodetic observations includes: – systematic high-precision geometric leveling of geodetic marks (benchmarks), which are embedded on the earth's surface and in the structures of objects; – systematic high-precision measurements between geodetic marks; – determination of actual vertical deformations (settlement) of the earth's surface and in the load-bearing structures of objects; – determination of actual horizontal deformations on the earth's surface and in the structures of buildings and structures. The article discusses the improved method of measuring lengths on the profile lines of the surveillance stations of the Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University with the use of electronic geodetic devices during observations of landslides, subsidence and deformations of structures. Based on the results of the geodetic observations conducted at the monitoring stations, the following were clarified: the nature of the process of deformation of the earth's surface and the main structures of buildings and structures; zones of concentration of deformations and their magnitudes. The obtained data can be used to develop a set of construction measures to protect the main structures of buildings and structures of the Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University to minimize the harmful effects of the process of shifting the earth's surface.


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How to Cite

Яценко, В. М., Шаталова, Ж. О., & Барулін, Д. С. (2023). FEATURES OF THE METHOD OF MEASURING LENGTHS ON PROFILE LINES OF MONITORING STATIONS USING ELECTRONIC GEODESIC INSTRUMENTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 138-145. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-tech.2023.1.15

