



dairy product safety, toxicants, health effects, control methods, regulations


Ensuring the safety and quality of dairy products is of utmost importance to consumers and producers. However, the risk of contamination of dairy products with toxicants can pose a serious threat to consumer health. Physical and chemical contamination can occur at any stage of the dairy production and supply chain, and their detection and control requires care and a systematic approach. In this article, we will take a closer look at the different types of toxicants, their impact on dairy product quality and the possible health implications for consumers. Physical toxicants can include foreign bodies such as dust, hair and packaging fragments, as well as metal contaminants such as lead, cadmium and mercury. Chemical toxicants include pesticides and herbicides, antibiotics, hormones, heavy metals and other chemical contaminants such as dioxins and plastic solvents. Dairy products can be contaminated at various stages of production and supply. Contamination can arise from deficiencies in production, the environment or from the use of chemicals and antibiotics in animal husbandry. The negative impact of toxicants can manifest itself in the form of changes in the taste and smell of dairy products, impairment of their health benefits and threats to consumer health. Some toxicants can accumulate in the human body and cause serious illnesses. A variety of methods are used to detect and control the level of toxins in dairy products, including chemical analyses, biological tests and quality monitoring systems. Regulatory requirements and standards for maximum permissible levels of toxicants in dairy products, as well as quality control at the production level, play an important role in ensuring the safety and quality of dairy products. The negative impact of toxicants on health can be serious, including the development of chronic diseases and dysfunctions of organs and body systems.


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How to Cite

Вогнівенко, Л. П., & Стасюк, Ю. І. (2024). HAZARDS AND THREATS: THE IMPACT OF TOXICANTS ON THE QUALITY OF DAIRY PRODUCTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 128-133. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-tech.2024.1.14