technology, cold appetizers, hummus, innovation, sea buckthorn oil, hemp and flax branAbstract
The article presents research results on improving cold snack technology and enhancing their recipe composition. As the restaurant service market rapidly expands, there is a growing demand both from customers– who seek a broader selection of dishes that align with healthy eating concepts and satisfy their nutritional needs–and from restaurant owners, who want to meet guests' needs while also expanding their menu with accessible, versatile dishes that can be stored for an extended period. The study used a classic hummus recipe with tahini as a base, chosen for its universality, and added innovative ingredients, specifically sea buckthorn oil, hemp bran, and flax bran. The feasibility of these ingredients was substantiated for addressing identified issues, particularly enhancing the chemical composition, extending shelf life, and improving the final product's quality. The study also assessed the nutritional and biological value of the enhanced hummus recipe. Improving the classic hummus recipe with tahini through the addition of a blend of sea buckthorn and olive oils in a 50:50 ratio and a mix of hemp and flax bran at 25% to 75%, respectively, increased its nutritional value by boosting protein to 18.9% and fiber to 10.1%. It also improved the biological value by enhancing the fatty acid composition and increasing vitamin and mineral content. Adding hemp and flax bran enhanced the texture and helped retain moisture and oil, which contributed to improved stability of the dispersed system during storage. The article also provides the recipe, production technology specifics, and recommendations regarding the organoleptic quality indicators of the newly developed innovative dish, "Hummus with Tahini, Oil Blend, and Bran Mixture."
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