fermentation, yogurt, microorganisms, biotechnology, sauerkraut, nutritional value, food preservation, environmental sustainability, fermented dairy products, probioticsAbstract
The article discusses in detail the process of fermentation of yogurt and sauerkraut, focusing on the microbiological processes underlying this process, as well as the factors that affect the quality and structure of the finished product. Analyzing the role of lactic acid bacteria in the fermentation of yogurt, their ability to break down lactose and produce lactic acid, which gives the product its characteristic texture and taste. At the same time, special attention is paid to the effect of temperature, humidity, and acidity on fermentation efficiency, which is important for achieving product stability and safety. The importance of probiotic bacteria formed during the fermentation of yogurt and sauerkraut and their positive impact on human health is also investigated. In particular, it is noted that probiotics contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora, strengthening the immune system and improving digestion. In addition, during the fermentation process, vegetables retain the content of vitamins, antioxidants and other beneficial bioactive compounds that improve nutritional value and strengthen human health. Thus, the fermentation of yogurt and sauerkraut is an important technological process that not only improves the nutritional value of products, but is also of great importance for human health. The material describes the value of nutrients contained in: beets (the presence of betaalanine – powerful antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and help reduce stress levels). Pumpkin (high content of carotenoids, among which beta-carotene occupies an important place. This substance acts as an antioxidant and is a precursor to vitamin A, which is necessary for maintaining healthy vision, functioning of the immune system and maintaining skin condition) Broccoli (sulforaphane, which is contained in this vegetable, is a powerful antioxidant that activates protective enzymes in the body, helping to fight free radicals and toxins).
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Сезонний суперфуд – гарбузове насіння: веб-сайт. (н.д.). UNIAN. Доступно за адресою: https://www.unian.ua/recipes/garbuzove-nasinnya-korist-shkodaprotipokazannya-kaloriynist-11531893.html