


medical field, health care, public management in the medical field, public management in the health care field


The article attempts to conduct a theoretical analysis of certain concepts and categories of implementation of public administration in the medical sphere. In particular, the relationship between the definitions «medical field» and «health care field» was considered. As a result, it was concluded that the term «medical field» is not widely used in the scientific area. However, some branches of knowledge related to public management, such as law, have been using the concepts «medical law» and «medical legislation» for a long time. Since there is no relevant definition in the scientific literature or legislation, an attempt was made to conduct a semantic analysis of the corresponding word combination and to compare it with the term «health care», which has a clear definition in legislation. As a result, it was concluded that it would be more correct to use the term «medical field», since it allows taking into account many interrelated components that are not covered by the term «health care sphere». The author emphasized that an important element of public management in the medical filed is the emphasis on the regional and local levels with the mandatory involvement of local selfgovernment bodies and the public in solving management tasks. The article also defines the list of subjects of public administration and concludes about the expediency of introducing selfgovernance in the medical field, as it is implemented in a number of foreign countries. But in Ukraine, this issue is not determined as a priority, as a result of which such a feature of public administration as public participation and partnership is rather indistinctive. The work concludes that effective implementation of public management in the medical field is possible only in the case of involvement of local self-government bodies, public organizations, and the community in the development of the relevant field in order to build a constructive partnership of the state and non-state sectors.


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How to Cite

Сімонцева, Л. О. (2023). THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE PUBLIC MANAGEMENT IN THE MEDICAL FIELD. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (6), 97-104.