


state, state administration, energy efficiency, energy independence, energy efficiency management, state security, energy security


The rapid pace of environmental changes forces each of us to quickly react and adapt to new realities. In today's world, more and more countries are actively supporting initiatives for the development of energy efficiency, since it is the field of energy that determines the pace of society's development. The development of new technologies, the pace and scale of construction, the digitalization of all spheres require quite large costs from the energy side. Energy resources become a landscape element that is of great importance for the quality of life of people and the general development of countries, moreover, modern society is not possible without energy resources. That is why every society sets and defines its goals in the provision of environmentally safe energy, which should be sufficient to meet the needs of domestic consumption and open opportunities for the export of energy resources, which increases economic profitability and at the same time contributes to the preservation of the environment and the avoidance of climate change. Energy independence in today's world is a significant competitive advantage over countries that are completely dependent on energy suppliers. Therefore, today the state of energy security may vary in different countries and regions of the world. Considering the events taking place in Ukraine today, energy security is a key aspect of sustainable development and economic stability, because this concept covers a wide range of elements: from the reliability of energy supply to reducing the impact on the environment and efficient use of resources. The importance of energy security is concentrated in the main components that determine the long-term success and sustainability of the country.


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How to Cite

Острогляд, О. В., Наумчук, К. М., & Тростенюк, Т. М. (2024). STATE OF THE STATE ADMINISTRATION FOR ENERGY SECURITY OF UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (1), 60-66.