reconstruction, inspection, loading, floor slabAbstract
Reconstruction of residential buildings and housing in general allows to solve the following tasks: • increasing the comfort of living by changing the planning and modernization of engineering equipment of the building; • increasing the number of residents (increasing the density of buildings) by adding floors, adding additional volumes. When carrying out reconstructions of old residential and civil buildings, re-equipment of internal premises is usually carried out. It is often necessary to increase the usable area of the house through the implementation of construction and installation work, which involves the addition of extensions or superstructures; the attic floor can also be erected. Often there is a need to strengthen the load-bearing structures, the restoration of brickwork. In recent years, more and more attention in Ukraine is paid to the use of monolithic reinforced concrete. This is due to a number of advantages: the building can be given a distinct architectural form, increased rigidity, monolithic connection of elements, increased resistance to aggressive environmental influences, use of materials and equipment taking into account the capabilities of the construction organization, reduced cost compared to prefabricated structures. flooring without lifting mechanisms, which is important when performing work in small spaces and cramped construction conditions (in particular, in densely built-up areas, during the reconstruction of buildings), the possibility of using complex configurations in the plan, in particular during the reconstruction of old buildings and construction modern buildings of complex architectural forms, high fire resistance. The article presents the results of a visual technical inspection of the building for the possibility of its reconstruction by adding a structure, the structures of which rest on the existing walls of the stairwell of the basement. The calculation of a monolithic reinforced concrete slab with the use of classical calculations of structural mechanics and methods of computer modeling experiment in the software package “Lira CAD 2013”. The design of the ribbed monolithic floor is carried out in the following sequence: 1. Collection of necessary data for calculation (load, design dimensions). 2. Execution of the layout of the floor. 3. Calculation of floor elements: slab, main beams. 4. Development of working drawings of the calculated design. The results of the research were used in the development of design and estimate documentation.
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