dry drinks, spirulina, chlorella, high protein product, protein deficiency, functional productAbstract
The main task of the WHO FAO is to urgently address the issue of protein-energy deficiency. Microalgae are recognized as a new platform for the production of food and feed with an increased protein component. The main task of technologists of food production and restaurant business is to increase the supply of food and dishes based on microalgae to regulate the lack of protein in the diets of various segments of the population. Existing food technologies using microalgae are highly efficient in terms of resource and energy conservation, environmentally friendly and in the long run meet the global needs of mankind related to protein and energy deficiency, cleansing the body of toxicants, improving metabolic processes, strengthening the immune system. The article describes the technology of dry drinks “dry cocktail” of high biological value with the addition of microalgae (spirulina and chlorella), the quantitative application of which depended on the content of biologically active substances – activators of metabolic processes – phycocyanin and folic acid, respectively. The dosage of spirulina and chlorella was 2.0–2.5 g and 1.0–1.25 g, respectively, per serving of beverage weighing 7.0–7.5 g. It is established that with the increase in the number of microalgae, the quality indicators of ready-made forms of dry cocktails (clumpiness, bad taste) and drinks based on them (poor dissolution and aftertaste) deteriorate. It was found that the introduction of microalgae at the final stage of homogenization of powders is optimal, because their state in the composite mixture is the smallest in dispersion, so it is better to envelop other particles with particles of microalgae and therefore the liquid phase dissolves faster and without clumping. The expediency of using microalgae in the production of beverages such as “dry cocktail” at a dose of 43,0–50,0%, which increases the nutritional value and allows us to recommend beverages such as functional products for long shelf life.
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