


pickles, unconventional raw materials, red currants, marigold flowers, quality of the finished product


The article presents the problem of providing the population with biologically valuable substances for the whole year. The results of studies of modern nutrition indicate insufficient consumption of essential food components, which reduces the body’s resistance to environmental factors, forms a syndrome of chronic fatigue, depression, reduces mental and physical activity. The aim of this work is to study the possibility of production of pickled cucumbers using non-traditional raw materials and to study the impact of this raw material on the quality of canned products in the ratio of 100 kg of red currants and 1 kg of marigold flowers per 1 ton of finished product. During the literature review the principle of rational nutrition and creation of a functional product with the use of non-traditional raw materials is considered. Several types of new types of canned food were developed in the conditions of KhDAEU and KhNTU, such as Marinated Cucumbers “Delicious” – with red currants, Marinated Cucumbers “Fragrant” – with the addition of marigold flowers and Marinated Cucumbers “Marigold” – with the addition of red currants marigold flowers. As an analogue used pickled cucumbers “Po-Kherson”. Recipes and technologies for the production of pickles and bays used in the production of pickles have been developed. Organoleptic evaluation is considered, nutritional and biological value is calculated, mass fraction of vegetables from net weight, mass fraction of dry substances, chloride content, titrated (total) acidity of a new type of finished product are determined. At the last stage of research, microbiological control was performed. It is concluded that the results of research show that the newly developed canned products “Marigold Marinated Cucumbers” with the addition of non-traditional raw materials for functional purposes, namely red currants and marigold flowers, has a rich spicy taste and aroma, a moderate amount of chlorides and acidity, while significantly increasing the biological and nutritional value.


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How to Cite

Шинкарук, М., & Бобирь, С. (2022). INFLUENCE OF NON-TRADITIONAL VEGETABLE RAW MATERIALS ON THE QUALITY OF MARINATED CUCUMBERS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 124-131.