monolithic cement-concrete covering, loading, composite reinforcementAbstract
The development of Ukrainian river ports is possible due to the expansion of the range of logistics services provided. For successful operation, improving the quality of service, full satisfaction of demand for works and services related to transportation and transhipment on inland waterways of Ukraine, as well as to determine the strategy of further development of the enterprise, it is advisable to create logistics centers. The article considers the issues related to the creation of a logistics center at the enterprise with the improvement of freight operations, which is aimed at fully meeting the demand for freight transportation, improving the quality of services and business development. To carry out reloading and storage of materials on the territory of the enterprise it is planned to build a new open warehouse with a monolithic cement-concrete coating with a system of rainwater wells and trays, located on the berth, equipped with crane tracks and railways. The purpose of the study is to calculate in the software package “Lira CAD 2019” monolithic cement-concrete slab of an open warehouse, located on the same planning level with the highway. The design of the coating was performed taking into account the size and nature of the application of loads, climatic, hydrological, sanitary and hygienic requirements, as well as the availability of local building materials. Design of monolithic cement-concrete covering is carried out according to operating building norms in the following sequence: 1. Collection of necessary data for calculation (load, volume-design decisions). 2. Calculation of plate reinforcement. 3. Development of working drawings of the calculated design. The results of the research were used in the development of design and estimate documentation.
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