irrigation, multi-tariff metering of electricity, energy saving, pumping and power equipment, feasibility study, efficiencyAbstract
While ensuring stable water quality in the source of irrigation – the river Ingulets, technically justified the ability to save money to pay for electricity through the use of multi-tariff metering. Electricity metering at the Main Pumping Station is carried out using multi-tariff meters, where electricity tariffs differ significantly during the day: the difference between “peak” and “night” tariffs is such that it is almost 5 times lower than the “night” tariff. Ensuring savings on electricity bills can be achieved by "maneuvering" the operation of the pumping units of the Main Pumping Station, ie, to pump more water at night than during the day. For example, one pump-power unit of the Main Pumping Station remains in operation permanently, and in times with a preferential tariff for electricity payment (from 000 to 700 o’clock in the morning) another, or, if necessary, two or three units are additionally connected to work. At the same time, the Ingulets main canal, Yavkinsky main canal, Lyubynsky reservoir, fish ponds and ponds of the sugar factory should be used as regulating tanks. The economic effect of the introduction of multi-tariff electricity metering (reduction of public funds to pay for electricity for water pumping through the use of multi-tariff electricity metering throughout the irrigation period) from the additional inclusion of only one unit at night will be: 68 135,76 UAH. At the expense of the special fund (funds received for the provision of water supply services) on all electric motors installed smooth start systems (2013 y – 3 units, 2016 y – 5 units, 2017 y – 4 units). Due to the transition from 2011 y to a new regime of water quality formation, which ensured stable water quality in the Ingulets main canal regardless of the number of operating units (unlike the anti-river regulation, which was used earlier), it became possible to quickly adjust the operation of the Main Pump station as a single technical system with the introduction of multi-tariff electricity metering allows you to save significant funds to pay for electricity. In 2018 y, the largest annual savings of budget funds for the payment of electricity used for pumping water, 36.8 million hryvnias, was achieved in the years of research of the Main Pumping Station. Scientifically substantiated and confirmed in practice savings of significant amounts of budget funds in the application of multi-tariff metering of electricity at the Main Pumping Station of the Ingulets Irrigation System. Taking into account the trend of resumption of irrigation in modern conditions, it is necessary to return the multi-tariff metering of electricity, which was abolished in 2019 y.
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