



information system, software product, visual programming environment, maintenance station.


Mankind has been constantly exchanging information between family members and families, and information has been passed down between generations. The transfer of information, interesting facts, knowledge, history has been and remains an important element in human life, so information systems (IS) have long played an important role in society. Their main purpose is to provide information needed for the development and management of society, its resources, storage and exchange of important information. The oldest and most famous are library information systems. It is with their help it is possible to collect archives of books, create catalogs for various purposes, delete unnecessary books, add new ones, find the necessary literature by author, or by year of publication, and so on. IP solves the problems of technical preparation of the enterprise, manages material, labor and financial resources, conducts accounting calculations, contributes to the construction of a long-term development plan of the company and conducts marketing research. Today, IPs of various types and purposes are being developed, with a large number of functionalities. The rapid development of IP has been facilitated by major transformations and advances in the computer industry and the use of information and communication technologies in their creation. The article is devoted to the technologies of automated IS development in the visual software environment. For the development of the software product, the visual environment of the Delphi system was chosen, which is designed to solve any application problems. Using ready-made objects, properties, methods and written program codes for event handling, you can create the necessary applications in a minimum of time. The article demonstrates the software development of the IS, which performs the main functions of the service station: viewing the list of services, registration of customers of the station, a list of spare parts that can be purchased and others.


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How to Cite

Сікора, О. В., Вдовичин, Т. Я., & Когут, У. П. (2022). ІNFORMATION SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING TECHNOLOGIES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (2), 10-17. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-tech.2022.2.2

