


monitoring, confectionery, safety, quality, HACCP system, dangerous factors.


The safety of food products is a necessary characteristic, as it does not blame itself, but will require management from the side of the organization. After the anonymous incidents related to food products, which caused a wide resonance in the press of the media, even more respect is given to the safety of food products and the functioning of systems for the safety of food products. Pіdbіr methodіv for zabezpechennya zharchovoї produktsії є complex problem, scho zbіlshennya zbіlshennya tempіv scientіc and technіchnіch progress, іnfrastruktury virobnitstv, planning, organіzatsії pratsі, poyne nauchannya personnel. In today's world, the market for confectionery products is dynamically developing for a wide range of products, which are promoted by brewers, the appearance of new products and high drink. To this end, the development of the algorithm for monitoring the safety and quality of the production of the restaurant state of boron confectionery production is based on current tasks. The work defines the areas of application of the selected group of food products and establishes requirements for their safety and quality. A block diagram of the production of "Medovik" cake was developed, on the basis of which the authors attempted to develop a system for monitoring the quality of storage of raw materials used for the production of a selected group of food products, as well as monitoring the preparation of raw materials and the process of making "Medovik" cake itself. It was established that during the production of flour confectionery products with functional properties, three critical control points are determined, namely one at the stage of intermediate storage of products and two critical control points at the stage of thermal processes and cooling and temporary storage. Therefore, at these stages, it is necessary to focus attention on the control of operations.


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How to Cite

Стукальська, Н. М., & Вархол, В. О. (2023). SAFETY AND QUALITY MONITORING OF THE PRODUCTION OF CONFECTIONERY PRODUCTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 104-113.