


technology, cupcakes, non-narcotic cannabis, wheat and hemp flour, oil, healthy food


The work is devoted to improving the technology of cupcakes by introducing non-narcotic hemp seed processing products into their recipe, namely partially defatted hemp cake flour and hemp pressed oil. It was found that hemp oil from the seeds of non-narcotic hemp varieties Glesia and Glukhivski 51 has a ratio of linoleic to alpha-linolenic acid of 3.03:1 ... 3.21:1, which meets the requirements of the World Health Organization of the United Nations to provide the body human polyunsaturated fatty acids. Hemp flour proteins have been found to be characterized by a high content of essential amino acids (valine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine), all of which are present in hemp seeds and loose hemp products. Four cupcake recipes have been developed with the replacement of wheat flour with hemp flour and the introduction of hemp oil instead of butter. Based on the indicators of taste, smell, shape, texture, surface, structure, appearance in the fracture using the profile method, preference was given to muffins with the replacement of 12.5% of wheat flour with hemp flour. The comprehensive assessment was determined as the sum of the listed indicators and for all samples was at least 45 points with the maximum possible 50 points. The sample of the cake with the complete replacement of wheat flour with hemp flour meets the requirements of a healthy diet to the greatest extent due to the increased protein content (14.21%) with the lowest carbohydrate content (45.54%) and reduced energy value to 343 kcal. In general, the analysis of the chemical composition according to the content of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates showed the superiority of the improved recipes, in particular, according to the content of valuable proteins and useful unsaturated fats, as well as reduced calorie content, compared to the "Stolichny" cake, which acted as a control. The results of the research made it possible to expand the assortment of muffins for healthy eating with the content of essential amino acids and essential fatty acids in their optimal ratio.


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How to Cite

Єсауленко, А. А., Мамченко, Л. Є., Нєміріч, О. В., Кузьмін, О. В., & Матиящук, О. В. (2023). IMPROVING THE TECHNOLOGY OF CUPCAKESWITHHEMP SEED PROCESSING PRODUCTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (4), 118-126.

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