


cloud technologies, cloud platforms, technologies as services, cloud CAE, CAEaaS, administration, optimization


In the article, a thorough analysis of cloud computing in the form of various services was carried out in order to establish basic principles for further research on threats and methods of protection in the field of cloud technologies. Among the considered services, the main ones were highlighted, such as IaaS, SaaS, RaaS, which form the basis for the expansion of more unified services. A new promising service САЕааS (Computer Aided Engineering as a Service) has appeared, which consists in the use of computer systems of engineering analysis in a cloud platform. The effectiveness of the implementation of certain project solutions is directly related to the conscious choice at the initial stage. Unfortunately, in Ukraine, the support of the CAeaaS cloud service is currently only in the initial stage, therefore, to meet the technological needs of enterprises, it is necessary to attract foreign suppliers. According to the article, the future of Ukrainian industry is connected with the CAeaaS cloud service, as computer analysis of engineering processes helps to effectively reduce costs and development time and increase the quality and durability of products. This approach makes it possible to make design decisions, taking into account their impact on performance, to evaluate and improve designs using computer simulations instead of physical tests. This work explored the possibilities of cloud technologies for optimizing the administration of the information structure of an enterprise specializing in the production and sale of commercial goods. During the design, the key AWS services that the administrator used to optimize the IT environment were analyzed. The main steps were to create and use a VPC virtual private cloud, and to consider the capabilities of an EC2 instance in that cloud. Therefore, the administrator optimized the support of the information infrastructure, creating scaling opportunities, ensuring uninterrupted access to corporate data and other services, creating a test environment for innovations and ensuring the efficient operation of the corporate website. Also, with the help of CAE, it is possible to effectively manage risks and understand the consequences for the performance of structures, which helps to solve problems in advance and reduce costs related to the life cycle of the product.


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How to Cite

Поперешняк, С. В., Вєчерковська, А. С., Хільченко, М. Ю., & Антоненко, А. В. (2024). CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES AS SERVICES FOR OPTIMIZING ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 54-63.




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