


flour confectionery, biscuit semi-finished products, spelled flour, chickpea flour, hemp flour


Nowadays, biscuit semi-finished products are mostly used for cake recipes, which, unfortunately, have a low content of nutrients in their composition. The purpose of the work is to develop a recipe for a biscuit semi-finished product enriched with flour from niche crops (spelt, hemp and chickpea), which is characterized by a high content of nutrients, in order to increase the assortment of flour confectionery semi-finished products for consumers oriented towards a healthy diet. 13 samples of biscuit semi-finished products were made (the control sample is the main one and samples No. 1–12 – with the replacement of 100, 50, 75 and 25% of wheat flour with chickpea, spelled and hemp flour, respectively). Determination of their quality indicators for compliance with SSTU 8001:2015 "Biscuits. General technical conditions" were carried out according to the standard methods specified in the relevant current regulatory documents. All samples of biscuit semi-finished products received a fairly high score after the tasting evaluation. The sample with 100% replacement of wheat flour with chickpeas received the lowest score, and the sample with 25% replacement of wheat flour with hemp received the highest score. The semi-finished biscuit sample enriched with hemp flour exceeded the control sample in terms of fiber (40 times) and fat (1.3 times). The mass fraction of protein in the semi-finished hemp biscuit is only 1% higher compared to the control. A 15-fold higher magnesium content (6.04 g/ kg) was found in the test sample of semi-finished biscuit enriched with hemp flour, compared to the control, as well as a 1.5-fold higher phosphorus content (2.88 g/kg). Test sample No. 12 exceeded the control indicators for the content of trace elements: iron – by 2.7 times, zinc – by 1.9 times, copper – by 3.5 times, manganese – by 5 times. A prototype hemp biscuit semi-finished product (75% wheat flour, 25% hemp flour) is recommended for implementation. Due to the composition and health-promoting properties of hemp flour, the obtained product can be attributed to the category of health-prophylactic products.


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How to Cite

Сова, Н. А., & Свисенко, О. В. (2024). THE USE OF NICHE CROPS FLOUR IN THE SEMI-FINISHED BISCUIT TECHNOLOGY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 176-185.