



mussel meat hydrolyzate, concentrate, quality indicators, technology, fish cutlets, iodine, protein, nutritional value


On the basis of theoretical material and experimental studies, the relevance of developing fish cutlet mass technology by enriching it with hydrolyzate from mussel meat – a source of iodine and protein – is substantiated. The expediency of using a food additive of mussel meat hydrolyzate in the form of a concentrate to improve its nutritional value is substantiated. The hydrolyzate itself belongs to the field of biotechnology, and more precisely, to the methods of obtaining protein-carbohydrate hydrolyzate from molluscs, such as mussels, which can be used as raw materials for obtaining food additives of therapeutic and preventive action, as well as for pharmacological and cosmetic preparations. Mussel hydrolyzate is a product of mild alkaline hydrolysis of cultured mussel meat. The relevance of the innovation lies in closing the niche of the problem of iodine deficiency in the diet of the population, because the consumption of iodine is important for ensuring the normal functioning of the body When studying the effect of mussel hydrolyzate on changes in the physical and chemical parameters of fish cutlets, it was found that the ash content increased by 27%. Since mussel hydrolysates are processed, they have improved digestibility. This makes them an excellent choice for people who have problems digesting proteins or need a quick and efficient supply of nutrients Organoleptic quality indicators remain unchanged: the consistency is homogeneous, plastic, the taste is salty, fishy, corresponds to the ingredients of the recipe, the smell is fishy, corresponds to the ingredients of the recipe. A technology for the production of fish cutlet mass has been developed, for which it is recommended to introduce the technological method of pre-mixing hydrolyzate from mussel meat with water as 1:3.6. It should be noted the complete removal of salt from the recipe of innovative cutlets due to the properties of the concentrate, namely, a pleasant salty taste Based on the results of research, the proposed technology of fish cutlet mass with increased nutritional value can be recommended for implementation in the production practice of restaurants.


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How to Cite

Степова, А. А., Нєміріч, О. В., Ястреба, С. П., Ройко, О. М., Мамченко, Л. Є., & Кузьмін, О. В. (2024). QUALITY INDICATORS OF MUSSEL MEAT HYDROLYZATE FOR INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY OF FISH CUT MASS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 193-200. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-tech.2023.6.22

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