non-drug hemp seeds, hemp oil, bakery products, flourAbstract
The article considers the world and domestic experience of using non-narcotic hemp seeds for food production. Based on the analysis of statistical data, the dynamics of sown areas allocated for non-narcotic cannabis in Ukraine is given. Information on the content of fatty acids in nonnarcotic hemp oil and their effect on the human body is given. It is known that in our country breeders have created new high-yielding varieties of nonnarcotic hemp, which can be the main source of natural raw materials for food. Information on high-yielding varieties of non-narcotic cannabis YUSO-31, Harmony, Age 2020, Glyana, Glesia, Artemida, Glukhivsky 51, Mykolaychyk and Glukhivsky 85 with a tetrahydrocannabinol content close to zero is given. The list of leading enterprises for the production of food products from nonnarcotic hemp seeds and the range of food products in different countries. The article highlights the data on the biological value of hemp oil, which were conducted by scientists and aimed at determining the content of fatty acids in the oil of non-narcotic hemp. An analysis of the nutritional and biological value of non-narcotic cannabis seeds showed that it contains 25% protein, 31% fat and 34% carbohydrates. It also contains 20 amino acids, including 8 essential (which are not synthesized in our body). There is a large number of vitamins E, C, D, K, B vitamins, as well as carotenoids (precursors of vitamin A, macro- and micronutrients (iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, zinc, sulfur, chlorine, etc.) In recent years, non-narcotic hemp seeds have begun to be used in Ukraine as a food additive for food production. The research of scientists of Ukraine and the world on the use of hemp processing products in food production is presented. Thus, the creation of new high-yielding varieties of non-narcotic hemp, development or improvement of methods for obtaining food products from non-narcotic hemp seeds will allow to expand the range of natural organic food products in our country.
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