


consistency, fat, taste, sea buckthorn, vegetable component, goat's milk, cheese


The results of research on the study of physico-chemical, microbiological and technological properties of raw goat milk are presented, the main assessment, quality and safety criteria and prospects for use in cheese making. The technological parameters of the production of fermented dairy products have been established and scientifically based, the selection of fermentation crops and plant components has been made, which ensure the production of high-quality products. Goat milk was characterized by a higher content of fat, protein, lactose and solids, respectively, by 3.2%, 3.5% and 9.1% compared to cow's milk. This content of substances ensured its rather high density – 1.034 g/cm3. The acidity of goat's milk was lower than that of cow's milk and is a consequence of its powerful buffering capacity, due to the high content of protein, calcium and phosphorus salts. The number of somatic cells in goat's milk was slightly higher than in cow's milk, which is a consequence of both biological features. The acidity of goat's milk was lower than that of cow's milk and is a consequence of its powerful buffering capacity, due to the high content of protein, calcium and phosphorus salts. The number of somatic cells in goat's milk was slightly higher than in cow's milk, which is a consequence of both biological features. Sea buckthorn was selected as a plant component for the production of goat's milk cheese dessert. The recipe for "Cheese dessert with sea buckthorn" was selected, the ratio of components per 1000 kg of products was determined. 3,000 liters of raw milk are used to produce 600 kg of cheese.In the course of the tasting, it was concluded that the cheese dessert being developed has a rather pronounced sour-milk, moderately sweet taste and smell characteristic of the filling, a creamy consistency, and a gentle orange color. Also, the specific smell of sea buckthorn helps to neutralize the smell of goat cheese, which can attract the consumer. The absence of regulatory documents (DSTU, TU U and technological instructions for them) for goat milk that is harvested, leavens, biological preparations and innovative technologies for the production of rennet cheeses and sour-milk cheese, on an industrial basis, makes it necessary to develop and implement them in the production of farm farms and dairy enterprises of the country.


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How to Cite

Приліпко, Т. М., & Кузьмінська, І. М. (2024). CHEESY DESSERT MADE FROM GOAT’S MILK WITH A VEGETABLE COMPONENT. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (2), 176-181.