


proper nutrition, schools, health


The article presents the results of research on the diet and eating habits of students in grades 5–11 of secondary education institutions in the city of Vyshhorod. It is known that the growing up of a child, the formation of health increases with the specificity of his attitude to health, a healthy lifestyle, and proper nutrition. Rational nutrition of a child promotes harmonious development and maintenance of good health. According to the results of a survey of children, it was established that the eating habits of modern students in small towns are irrational. It is known that meat and meat products are one of the most important components of proper nutrition. They are sources of complete animal protein, contain amino acids indispensable for the growth of muscle mass. Also, meat contains a lot of vitamins (B1, B2, B12, PP), minerals (phosphorus, iron), and creatine. And fish and fish products contain complete protein, which contains all the necessary amino acids in optimally balanced amounts. Fish proteins have lipotropic properties due to their high content of amino acids – me-methionine. Fish oil, which contains biologically important and insufficiently represented in other food products, arachidonic acid and other polyunsaturated fatty acids, is characterized by high biological properties. In turn, milk and dairy products are sources of vitamins and minerals. They are especially rich in protein and calcium. Protein is necessary for the development of the muscular system, and calcium for bones. Most of the violations in the quality of facilities and food were found among students of secondary and senior schools. The results of the study indicate the need to develop recommendations for optimizing school meals and improving communication with the public on issues of rational nutrition as a component of a healthy lifestyle.


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How to Cite

Резвих, Н. І., & Вогнівенко, Л. П. (2024). ANALYSIS OF NUTRITION OF SCHOOL STUDENTS EDUCATING IN SECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (2), 182-186.

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