


biscuit semi-finished product, stabilizing system, whipping gel, foaming ability, whipping time


For many years, biscuit semi-finished product and confectionery products using it have been one of the favorite treats of different segments of the population. That is why scientists pay considerable attention to improving its consumer characteristics and apply various innovative approaches in production technology to obtain a semi-finished product with stable characteristics. The assortment of biscuit semi-finished products is formed mainly by varying the recipe components and the specifics of the technological process of their production. It is known that in the production of biscuit semi-finished products, chicken eggs are used as a foaming agent, which, when whipped with sugar, ensure the formation of a foamy structure. Inadequate quality of the foaming agent, reduction or increase of the whipping time, increased temperature of the recipe mixture lead to unsatisfactory foaming performance and stratification of the system. In order to solve the above-mentioned problems, scientists propose various innovations in the technology of biscuit semi-finished products, which are quite diverse and are characterized by both optimization of the recipe composition and the use of new ingredients that improve the organoleptic and structural and mechanical properties of both baked semi-finished products and finished products using them. The article considers the possibility of using stabilization systems: whipping gel and emulsifier-improver in the formulation of biscuit semi-finished products, which will allow adjusting the functional properties of the traditional foaming agent (chicken egg). The research has established that it is advisable to use a whipping gel at a concentration of 3,0% and an emulsifier-improver at 4,0% by weight of the recipe components, which allows for a stable foamy system and its stabilization during its formation. The results of the study are the optimization of the recipe composition and the technology of the basic sponge cake semi-finished product, which consists in reducing the content of melange in the recipe and reducing the time of whipping the recipe mixture. The presence of the stabilization system in the recipe of the round sponge cake improves its foaming ability and reduces the time of processing the recipe mixture, which helps to reduce the duration of the technological process of production of the sponge cake semi-finished product.


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How to Cite

Юрченко, С. Л., Колеснікова, М. Б., & Черемська, Т. В. (2024). USE OF STABILIZATION SYSTEMS IN THE TECHNOLOGY OF BISCUIT SEMI-FINISHED PRODUCTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 143-150.