


aby food, fruit puree, technological process, production, technology, quality control.


Setting objectives. The article researches the technological features of the production of fruit puree for baby food. The main stages of production are given, the volumes of production of its main types are analyzed, it is indicated that the market of aseptic puree in Ukraine is oriented towards producers of juices and confectionery products. It is noted that the selection of highquality raw materials for the production of fruit puree for baby food is a critically important stage, since the quality of raw materials directly affects the safety, nutrition and taste of the product. It is necessary to choose raw materials of high quality. It must be grown and processed in conditions that meet hygiene requirements and quality standards. The raw material must be organic and free from harmful substances such as pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Without the addition of artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. The taste and aroma should be pleasant and fresh, without signs of spoilage. Availability of certification and documentation of raw materials, which confirm its quality and safety. Research results. The technological process can sometimes vary depending on the technology used and the formulation of the product, but there are always the main stages. Heat treatment is a key stage in the production of fruit puree for baby food, as it affects the safety, quality and shelf life of the product. The main methods of heat treatment include: pasteurization and sterilization. When using preservatives, it is important to follow the recommendations for their use, as well as meet the requirements of the safety and quality standards of food products for children. Ensuring the package is airtight to avoid the ingress of air, moisture and bacteria, which can lead to product spoilage. It is also important to ensure that the packaging is intact without any punctures or damage. Protection from exposure to light and heat: Fruit puree must be stored in conditions where it is not exposed to direct sunlight or high temperatures, which can cause a change in the color, taste and nutritional value of the product. It is important to correctly determine the shelf life of the product, taking into account the type of packaging, heat treatment method and storage conditions. This helps ensure product safety and quality for consumers. Conclusions. Thus, summarizing the requirements for the production of this group of products, we can conclude that they provide for the control of quality and safety indicators of raw materials and current control at each stage of the technological process of product production in the context of food legislation.


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How to Cite

Горач, О. О., Головенко, Т. М., & Істоміна, Ю. В. (2024). RESEARCH OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE PRODUCTION OF FRUIT PUREE FOR CHILD FOOD. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (4), 215-221.

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