



fermented milk products, bifidobacteria, probiotics, prebiotics, symbiotics, health food.


The basis of modern ideas about nutrition is the concept of optimal nutrition, which assumes the necessity and obligation to fully meet the body’s needs not only for energy, essential, microand macronutrients, but also for biologically active food components. Only such nutrition can prevent the development of chronic diseases. The trend of the modern food market is to increase the range of health products. Functional fermented milk products containing ingredients (polysaccharides, vitamins, macro- and microelements, phenolic compounds), one of the sources of which is medicinal plant materials, are becoming widespread. The introduction of new technologies using non-dairy raw materials is a promising direction in the dairy industry. The creation of new generation high-quality products, including products with medicinal plants, is based on the choice of raw materials in proportions that ensure high quality of the finished product, good organoleptic indicators, consumer and technological characteristics and have a functional focus. In addition, ensuring normal functioning of the body is possible with the observance of fairly stable ratios between essential food elements, each of which plays a specific role in metabolism. The diet of a modern person is dominated by refined products and semi-finished products, which after industrial processing do not have many essential components. This is the reason for the spread and growth of diseases already at an early age, as a result, the prevalence of diseases of the digestive system among schoolchildren has increased, which is also a direct consequence of irrational and unhealthy nutrition. The number of “diseases of old age” has noticeably increased, the prerequisites for which accumulate throughout a person’s life: cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, stroke, cataracts and glaucoma, osteoporosis, diseases of the brain and nervous system. The reason for this is the content of substances in food products that are among the risk factors.


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How to Cite

Соломон, А. М. (2024). FERMENTED MILK PRODUCTS IN MODERN NUTRITION. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (4), 291-298. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-tech.2024.4.29