


food safety, restaurants, culinary products, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point.


One of the most important goal of the state social policy is enhancement the nutrition structure and provide high-quality food products to the population. Understanding the importance of safety and quality of food products is gaining more and more importance in the world and particulary in Ukraine. Restaurant business establishments (RBE) is the most important link in the chain between the products of the processing and food industries are delivered directly to the consumer’s. Therefore, the production of high-quality and safe culinary products, which will allow them to be more competitive in the restaurant market, is an actual problem for the Ukrainian food industry. The problem of ensuring the production of high-quality and safe products in RBE in comparison with industrial food enterprises is caused by the following factors: a large assortment of raw materials, half-stuff products and finished products sold in RBE; presence of dishes with heat treatment and dishes without heat treatment; simultaneous preparation of a large number of dishes from raw materials of plant and animal origin; limited areas of premises necessary for storage, preparation and sale, usually in one common area; maximum storage terms of both raw materials and finished products with subsequent sale. The mentioned factors cause the appearance of many risks in the production of culinary products in the RBE, which must be identified and measures to eliminate them must be created. The quality and safety of food products is a priority task at all stages of the food chain – from the cultivation and primary processing of raw materials to the sale and consumption of finished products, including wholesale and retail trade. The responsibility for the safety of food products, first of all, lies with the product manufacturers, who must take into account all risks not only in their production, but also in the previous stages. The article presents the generalized results of the methodology of system food safety in restaurant establishments, the effectiveness of which was confirmed by the authors during implementation in real enterprises of the city of Kharkiv.


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How to Cite

Колеснікова, М. Б., Гринченко, О. О., Юрченко, С. Л., Андрєєва, С. С., & Черемська, Т. В. (2022). SYSTEMATIC ENSURING OF FOOD SAFETY PRODUCTS OF RESTAURANT INSTITUTIONS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (4), 64-73.