


raw meat, biological risks, critical control points, meat culinary dishes


The work is devoted to the identification of possible biological risks that arise in the process of making meat culinary dishes of a dietary nature. Most of the biological hazards associated with meat consumption come from the farm and the environment, so preventive measures both in the early stages of animal rearing and in the final stages of livestock production are of great importance in the release of safe meat raw materials. Prevention of hazards requires constant attention throughout the production chain, and responsibility for product safety must be borne by all participants in the production process, including livestock breeders, processors, distributors, retailers, consumers and competent food control and surveillance authorities. The ability to control food safety and prevent foodborne illness is a key reason for the widespread use of HACCP systems. For a safe finished product, the quality of incoming raw materials, especially animal raw materials, is important, because there are a number of biological threats that meat obtained from sick animals has. Therefore, the veterinary medicine service plays an important role in providing high-quality raw materials of animal origin. Meat supplied to restaurants should be obtained only from healthy animals with an appropriate document confirming its safety. Probable biological risks have been established and critical control points in the manufacture of meat products for dietary purposes have been determined. The conducted microbiological studies indicate a satisfactory condition of the incoming meat raw materials used for the production of meat rolls, and heat treatment of products and subsequent storage at low temperatures ensures microbiological stability.


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How to Cite

Ряполова, І. О., & Олійник, А. М. (2024). DETERMINATION OF BIOLOGICAL SAFETY OF MEAT СULINARY PRODUCTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (2), 195-201.