dietary sausage, turkey meat, plant-based additives, broccoli, low calorie content, dietary fiber, balanced nutritionAbstract
The article addresses a current issue in the modern meat processing industry, particularly the excessive use of saturated fats and additives in traditional sausage products, which can negatively impact consumer health. Standard sausages often contain high levels of calories, fat, and food additives, contributing to the development of chronic diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. In response to the growing demand for healthy and dietary products, the aim of this research was to develop a sausage product based on turkey meat, which has high nutritional value and a reduced calorie content. The main idea is to combine turkey meat with the addition of plant-based ingredients, specifically broccoli, which provides the product with functional properties. Turkey meat is a source of easily digestible protein with a low fat content, while broccoli contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber that positively affect the digestive system and overall health. As a result, the developed dietary sausage is an ideal product for consumers who strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle, control their weight, and reduce the risk of diseases associated with improper nutrition. The recipe development includes an analysis of the quality of turkey meat, the characteristics of broccoli, their nutritional properties, as well as the optimization of the production process to preserve all beneficial nutrients and achieve a balanced taste. Additionally, technological processes necessary to ensure the long-term storage of the sausage without the use of harmful preservatives were studied, utilizing the natural properties of broccoli and other natural ingredients. Thus, the article presents research results demonstrating the possibility of using plant-based ingredients to enhance the biological value and health benefits of sausage products. The product, developed based on turkey meat and broccoli, meets the needs of modern consumers by combining high nutritional value, appealing taste, and reduced calorie content, making it an important step toward the development of healthy eating.
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