


bakery products, special purpose, recipe, expiration date


The article is devoted to the topical issue of the development of new bakery products for special purposes, namely for tourist and military needs or in case of emergency situations. The prototype in this study was "Irish bread", the recipe of which is based on the use of baking soda and buttermilk. In the course of the experiment, several combinations of raw materials were proposed and losses and waste in production were taken into account, amounting to 5.9%. In connection with the intended use of the proposed products, it is advisable to use raw materials that will increase the biological value of classic bread. Therefore, it is suggested to replace kefir with buttermilk and whey, and sugar with molasses and dextrose. For enrichment, it is also recommended to add rye and corn flour. Corn oil was used as vegetable fat. Laboratory studies have shown the effectiveness of such solutions. The samples were characterized by high and uniform porosity, which is 50%. The moisture content in the pulp is 46%. At the same time, the baking of the samples was at the level of 8%. According to the organoleptic properties, the best sample obtained is more interesting compared to the control. The above indicators meet the requirements of the regulatory documentation of Ukraine, namely DSTU 4583:2023. Therefore, the obtained recipe was presented in percentage ratio of components and based on one ton of finished products. To preserve the quality characteristics of the obtained products, it is recommended to preserve them in heat-resistant paper cans (developed by Akimoto Yoshihiko, Japan) with subsequent sterilization or in polyethylene vacuum bags with pasteurization. At the same time, the expiration date of bread will increase from six months to one year. Prospects for further research are the implementation of microbiological control in the process of long-term storage.


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How to Cite

Резвих, Н. І., & Ахтеменко, Т. П. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF RECIPE COMPOSITION OF SPECIAL PURPOSE BREAD WITH EXTENDED EXPIRATION DATE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (5), 233-237.

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