tsiaklia, fresh dough, semi-finished product, gluten-free flour, glutenAbstract
Given the pace of life of modern man and the increase in diseases that are directly related to nutrition, there is a need to review diets and create special products. According to the WHO, every year there is an increase in patients with celiac disease, which is caused by an allergic reaction to gluten. This disease is defined as chronic, lifelong immunoinflammatory, as a consequence, patients need to follow a vital gluten-free diet. Gluten is found in the protein of cereals such as wheat, oats, rye, barley. Accordingly, there is a need to find promising analogues for the production of flour dishes and products. Given the demand for semi-finished flour products, such as dumplings, dumplings, khinkali, etc., the article considers the possibility of producing fresh gluten-free dough for them. Rice and corn flour were selected taking into account various factors and factors. The obtained data indicate that the water absorption capacity of corn and rice flour is close to the control sample of wheat flour, so the use of this raw material should not greatly affect the structural and mechanical properties of the dough. Studies of the kinematic viscosity of the dough have shown that the dough of rice flour has a lower viscosity compared to corn, which leads to the need to increase the proportion of this type of flour in the recipe. Experimental studies on the production of fresh dough from rice flour and corn in different proportions confirm this statement. It was found that the optimal ratio of rice flour to corn – 75:25. According to organoleptic parameters, the developed recipe of fresh dough was not inferior to the control sample of wheat flour. In view of this, we believe that this development is important for patients with celiac disease and makes it possible to expand the daily diet with a variety of dishes.
Market and Markets Gluten-Free Products Market by Type (Bakery Products, Pizzas & Pastas, Cereals & Snacks, Savories, and Others), Source (Oilseeds & Pulses, Rice & Corn, Dairy & Meat Products, and Other Crops), by Region-Global Trends & Forecast to 2020. URL: (accessed on: 31 July 2018).
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