irrigation systems, filtration, cladding, innovative hydraulicstructure, anti-filtration geomembrane, Inguletsmain canalAbstract
The introduction of additional irrigation areas as a result of construction of new on-farm irrigation systems and reconstruction of existing canals using modern technical and technological and design solutions, materials and equipment will create systems with the highest level of economic efficiency, reliability and environmental safety. Currently, the vast majority of canals on irrigation systems need to restore the anti-leakage coating. In the implementation of these measures, preference should be given to the most modern innovative materials and technical, technological and design solutions, in order to achieve economic efficiency, reliability and environmental safety in the operation of irrigation systems. The purpose of the study is to establish the possibility and adaptation of modern innovative technology of anti-filtration lining in the construction and repair of irrigation canals in the Southern region of Ukraine on the example of Ingulets irrigation system. The object of research is the main and distribution channels of the Ingulets irrigation system, anti-filtration lining with polyethylene geomembrane of irrigation canals. The Ingulets irrigation system has relevant experience in restoring anti-leakage canal lining. The main and distribution canals, which are lined with monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete slabs (part of the bottom of the main canal has no cladding at all), are in working order, with their help farmers receive water for irrigation annually. However, the vast majority of canals need major repairs, namely, equipment with modern anti-leakage cladding. The implementation of this measure will significantly increase the operational reliability of canals and reduce water losses from canals to filtration, and, accordingly, reduce the cost of water supply. Promising is the use of anti-filtration screen made of HDPE geomembrane (high density polyethylene Solmax 440-70007 t = 1 mm) in the research and production section of the Ingulets main canal, which has significantly reduced filtration losses and can be used to further restore the existing anti-leakage coating. Taking into account the goals and objectives set by the Irrigation and Drainage Strategy of Ukraine until 2030, it is expedient and necessary to modernize the main and distribution channels of irrigation systems in the dry steppe zone of Ukraine for further reliable and efficient operation and restoration of irrigation systems. innovative materials, technologies and the introduction of modern sprinklers and equipment. Further research and development is necessary to establish all the characteristics and standards to determine the reliability of hydraulic structures. The information provided in this article is the material for the formation of the knowledge base of the expert system of hydraulic engineering projects in Ukraine.
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