HACCP, gluten-free cookies, quality, safety, critical control points, productionAbstract
This work is devoted to the process of production of special purpose cookies in compliance with the principles of HACCP. In order to obtain high quality products and provide the population with safe products, a modern manufacturer must develop and implement various quality systems at the enterprise. The HACCP concept covers all types of potential hazards that directly affect food safety, namely, biological, physical and chemical factors. The system approach of the HACCP system allows to be integrated into any process of production of products therefore production of safe production is provided. The purpose of this work is to implement the principles of HACCP on the example of the production of a new type of cookies "Health" for special purposes. According to the needs of consumers and the existing demand, the technology of gluten-free shortbread cookies has been developed. The recipe completely replaces wheat flour with corn, and as a functional ingredient is selected pumpkin food powder, which is 8% by weight of flour. In order to obtain quality and safe products that meet the requirements of current legislation, dangerous factors and factors that may affect new special purpose products have been identified. Namely, taking into account the principles of HACCP, the process of production of new special purpose cookies is considered; the list of potential dangers is made and control critical points are allocated; a number of preventive actions have been developed. As a result of the research, the HACCP principles for the production of gluten-free shortbread cookies "Health" with the addition of functional food powders were implemented. A set of measures has been developed to manage quality and safety at all stages of production. The proposed HACCP system is implemented in production and allows to obtain high quality products.
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