Strategy, irrigation development, conceptual principles, irrigation systems, technical condition, reclamation infrastructureAbstract
The implementation of the reformation of the system of state management in order to increase drainage is guilty of being ambushed by an integrated, integrated management of water and land resources. Irrigation restoration and development works should be carried out primarily on the irrigation systems of the Kakhovka Main Canal, Ingulets Irrigation System and other irrigation systems of the southern region of Ukraine with existing inter-farm and in-farm canals and existing reclamation infrastructure for water supply. The increase of irrigation areas should be carried out by modernization and reconstruction of irrigation systems on lands that were previously irrigated with maximum use of existing on-farm networks. Renovation and improvement of the area of rough lands, drainage systems in the boundaries of the skin blasting system may be carried out following the results of technical and economic priming. Inguletska zroshuvalna system, Sirogozka zroshuvalna system and the Perekop main canal may have especially significant reserves for expanding the area of expansion by way of entrances, as if transferring the Strategy for drainage and drainage in Ukraine for the period until 2030. The introduction of additional areas of the inter-government zroshuvalny merezhi will create a change of mind for investment in renovation, modernization and development of the internal state zroshuvalnaya infrastructure and development of rural areas. The organization of water treatment plants to victories, operation and technical maintenance of the facilities of the engineering infrastructure of reclamation systems will be attended by interested parties in the process the increase in the quality of service delivery from the increase and drainage and transparency of the formation of tariffs, the stimulation of the mechanism of state-private partnership. If highly profitable crops are grown on irrigated lands using the latest agricultural technologies, namely corn for grain, soybeans, winter wheat, while taking measures to preserve and restore soil fertility and environmental safety of irrigation will provide the necessary return on investment in irrigation.
Стратегія зрошення та дренажу в Україні на період до 2030 року : схвалено розпорядженням Кабінету Міністрів України від 14 серпня 2019 р. № 688-р. URL:р#Text
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