


OpenNebula, storage, network resources, scalability, private clouds, public clouds.


The article examines the analysis of recent sources and provides background material related to setting up the OpenNebula private cloud. This article provides an overview of modeling and designing a private network server environment using OpenNebula technology. It highlights the benefits of using OpenNebula for private cloud deployments, discusses key features, and benefits of the platform in general. The use of private cloud environments to build and manage network and server infrastructure has attracted considerable attention in recent years. OpenNebula is an open source cloud computing platform capable of creating and managing virtualized data centers. It is a comprehensive solution for designing and deploying cloud environments by automating and managing virtual machines, data storage and network resources. OpenNebula has a modular architecture that allows users to customize and extend the platform according to their specific needs. One of the key features of OpenNebula is its support for multiple hypervisors, including KVM, VMware and LXD, providing management of virtual machines on different virtualization platforms from a single interface. OpenNebula places a major emphasis on simplicity and ease of use. The platform has a web interface that makes it easy to manage your cloud infrastructure from any device connected to the Internet. The platform also includes a set of command-line tools (CLI) that allow advanced users to automate the platform and manage resources programmatically. The platform is designed to support a wide range of deployment scenarios, from small private clouds to large-scale public clouds, allowing you to easily and quickly scale your infrastructure based on your needs without requiring significant changes to the underlying architecture. The software is released under the Apache license, which makes it free and open to use, modify and distribute, without any license fees.


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How to Cite

Антоненко, А. В., Сорочинський, О. О., Гунько, О. С., Шульженко, К. Ю., & Христенко, Д. О. (2023). MODELING AND DESIGN OF A PRIVATE NETWORK-SERVER ENVIRONMENT USING OPENNEBULA TECHNOLOGY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 3-12.




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