


restaurant industry establishment, ice cream, frozen desserts, molecular cooking, pacojetting


The recent events in Ukraine are forcing restaurant business owners to actively transform in order to attract customers to their restaurants. It should be noted that a significant portion of the restaurant industry was forced to close permanently, while others reduced their production activity as a result of the hostilities, which led to a reduction in revenues. Currently, restaurants are beginning to revive their operations, which puts new demands on them to improve and implement new approaches to doing business. There is a need to quickly reorient and respond to changing consumer sentiment and priorities. It should be noted that frozen desserts have always occupied a significant niche in the range of dishes offered by restaurants of various formats, as this product group is characterized by steady consumer demand. This situation encourages restaurant business owners to improve and expand the range of this product group, using modern trends (new flavors, benefits, vegan options, etc.). The article discusses the technology of frozen desserts using the PacoJet apparatus, which allows to obtain finished products with improved structural, mechanical and organoleptic characteristics. The use of pacotizing technology significantly simplifies the implementation of the technology while obtaining a homogeneous structure of the finished product. Taking into account global trends in the development of ice cream assortments, the use of non-traditional raw materials in their composition is proposed and frozen dessert products with elements of molecular cuisine for both dessert and snacking are developed. The development concept stipulates that the basis of frozen desserts is a recipe mixture based on cream of animal origin. To improve the consistency of the finished product and increase its nutritional value, it is proposed to use soft cheeses ("Feta" and "Ricotta") in their formulation. The range of working concentrations of the main ingredients was determined, and the value of whipping and melting resistance of the model mixtures was investigated. The studies confirmed the feasibility of using PacoJet in the technology of frozen desserts, which made it possible to adjust the ice cream formula and exclude the milling process from its composition. This approach reduces the risk of ice formation, which significantly impairs the sensory perception of whipped and homogeneous finished products.


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Морозиво за $6000, або чому варто купити PacoJet. URL:

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How to Cite

Колеснікова, М. Б., Юрченко, С. Л., Черемська, Т. В., & Миколенко, М. А. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF FROZEN DESSERT TECHNOLOGY USING ELEMENTS OF MOLECULAR COOKING (PACOTIZING). Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (4), 127-136.