


semi-finished products, poultry meat, organoleptic indicators, physico-chemical indicators


In the article, based on the study of literary sources, the perspective of the development of the technology for the production of natural semi-finished products from poultry meat is determined. For the production of semi-finished products, the whole carcass or its parts are used, which is economically expedient. The technology of pickled semi-finished products includes the following operations: salting, massaging, aging in a salted state. The most common marinated semi-finished products include tobacco chickens and amateur chickens. Research has established that all test samples have a brighter and more intense color, which may be related to the improvement of the penetration of the constituent components of the brine into the raw materials and the stabilization of the color formation process. Profilograms of organoleptic indicators of marinated semi-finished products indicate a positive effect of the hydropulse method of massaging in the evaluated indicators. Thus, a more typical meaty taste was noted for the test samples, and the score according to this criterion was 0.9 points higher than the control sample. The test samples also differ in the harmony of the formed flavor and its intensity – the scores according to these criteria are close to the maximum – 9.8 points. Physico-chemical quality indicators were evaluated according to the following nomenclature: total moisture (%), pH, cutting force (N/mm). The analysis of the obtained data indicates better values for the experimental samples for all indicators in relation to the control. This testifies to the positive effect of the hydropulse massage method as a factor contributing to the activation of enzymatic systems and, as a result, an increase in the rate of transformation of the main components of raw materials. The pH indicator of the experimental samples is shifted to the alkaline side by an average of 0.2 units, which is due to the intensification of autolysis processes.


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How to Cite

Новікова, Н. В., Сумська, О. П., & Шумілов, В. М. (2023). ASSESSMENT OF PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL AND ORGANOLEPTIC QUALITY INDICATORS IN THE MANUFACTURE OF MARINED CHICKEN WINGS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (4), 147-153.

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