


digital technologies, Internet of Things, IoT, distribution networks, electric energy, microgrid, prosumer, smart enterprises.


In paper was shows that the use of Internet of Things(IoT) technology in the energy sector provides enormous opportunities and advantages. The infrastructure of a smart grid network built in accordance with the main provisions of the concept of Smart Grid networks presented. Shown that the components of such a structure based on the IoT technology, which consist of machineto- machine interaction and remote control used in the industry to build "smart" networks. Shown that the implementation of conceptual solutions based on the IoT technology allows the integration of information data and applications based on the IoT into the structure of energy facilities. At the same time, the energy sector is taking a step forward in terms of monitoring energy resources in real time. It is noted that energy microgrids of networks of industrial enterprises, which built using IoT technologies, allow analyzing available data in order to ensure a reduction in energy consumption, systematize large volumes of data and increase the efficiency of power equipment. This allows the industrial enterprise to move from the model of a classic consumer to a proactive consumer, which effectively integrates the resources of its energy and communication infrastructure into the overall energy system, facilitating the transition from the traditional network of distribution and consumption of electricity to digital smart grids. Smart power grids with extensive integration of IoT technologies in their structure are the best alternative to conventional energy systems. However, effective energy management methods and tools needed to make these networks more economical and stable. Development and implementation that will allow monitoring energy consumption, the state of energy network components and create a reasonable structure of the energy market. Analyzed conditions for creating a global environment with energy-efficient power supply systems for industrial enterprises based on IoT technologies.


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How to Cite

Зайцев, Є. О., Березниченко, В. О., Панчик, М. В., Антоненко, А. В., & Тонких, О. Г. (2024). IMPLEMENTATION OF IOT TECHNOLOGIES IN POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (5), 23-32.




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