


intelligent system, web development learning, providing recommendations, IT market analysis, professional development


The development of technology not only accelerates the pace of our lives, but also opens up many opportunities for learning. Internet tools, such as books, courses, videos, have become an integral part of our educational process. However, an important part of learning is not only receiving information, but also checking the level of mastery of the material and understanding. Testing is recognized as one of the most effective methods of testing knowledge. It allows you to effectively assess the level of understanding and memorization of the material. The speed of passing the tests and their immediate assessment make this method particularly convenient for assessing knowledge. In today’s world, with the rapid development of technology and the exponential increase in the amount of information, learning web development looks like an important component of education. Rapid changes and the high rate of development of web technologies require specialists to constantly update their knowledge. However, there is a problem in assessing the level of mastery of web development after graduation. It is difficult for people to independently assess their knowledge and understand how ready they are for the challenges of the real IT job market. This is where an intelligent system comes to the rescue, designed to provide recommendations for web development training, taking into account both the personality of each user and general trends in the IT industry. Created by a team of researchers, this system uses analytical data from more than 60 international IT companies. It is not limited to the technical aspects of web development, but also takes into account market dynamics, changes in working conditions and global IT trends. This approach allows the system to precisely adapt to the needs of each user. An important aspect is not only determining the level of knowledge, but also providing useful recommendations for further training and development. It helps every user to effectively plan their professional development and prepare for the challenges of the modern IT market. So, the intelligent system of recommendations in the field of web development solves the urgent tasks of evaluating and improving the level of knowledge of specialists. Its innovative approach puts users on the path to successful and conscious development in this important field of the modern information society.


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How to Cite

Поперешняк, С. В., Куценко, М. О., & Антоненко, А. В. (2024). RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM FOR LEARNING WEB DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGIES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 64-71.




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