


processed cheeses, freeze-dried berries, fruits, powders, black currant, banana, apricot, mango, vitamins, micronutrients, organoleptic characteristics, physicochemical parameters


The creation of dairy product lines with new quality approaches that can meet human physiological needs for essential nutrients is an important factor in ensuring good nutrition for people. The work is devoted to the substantiation of the use of berry and fruit raw materials to increase the biological value of dessert processed cheeses and optimize their composition in terms of the content of vitamins, trace elements, organic acids. It is well known that berries and fruits have useful and healing properties, saturating the body with trace elements, vitamins, fiber, organic acids, and have a positive effect on metabolic processes. Each fruit or berry has a unique composition. In order to reduce the risks of active acidity affecting the finished product, we used berry and fruit powders obtained by sublimation, which are offered by Ukrainian manufacturers. According to manufacturers, freeze-dried powders of berries and fruits retain 95% of all vitamins and minerals. Analysis of the indicators of the developed products shows that the addition of fruit and berry powders has a positive effect on the organoleptic and functional properties of processed dessert cheeses. The highest biological properties were possessed by a sample of cheese with the addition of blackcurrant powder. This sample had excellent organoleptic characteristics, content of trace elements, vitamins and physicochemical properties. Taking into account the work carried out with the recipe, the selection of fruit and berry raw materials with biological value, we can offer the café – confectionery BVS to consider the possibility of making dessert processed cheeses of increased biological value and introducing them into the assortment menu for children and adults.


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How to Cite

Ряполова, І. О., & Антонов, О. О. (2024). INCREASING THE BIOLOGICAL VALUE OF PROCESSED CHEESES DUE TO FRUIT AND BERRY FILLINGS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 167-175.