irrigation, horizontal drainage, expert systems, technical and ecologicalreclamation efficiency of drainageAbstract
The article presents generalized materials on the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the processes and methods of formation of expert systems, which are designed to assess the technical and ecological-reclamation efficiency of closed horizontal drainage on irrigated lands of the dry steppe zone of Ukraine. Closed horizontal drainage is a component of the hydraulic system, which is a radical engineering measure that provides long-term protection of irrigated lands in poorly drained and drainless areas from flooding, secondary salinization and alkalization of soils. The strategy of irrigation and drainage in Ukraine un to 2030 is mainly aimed at solving the problem of reproduction, reconstruction and technical modernization of existing horizontal drainage systems, design, construction and efficient operation of drainage in new areas. One of the most topical issues of this problem is to ensure the effective operation of all closed horizontal drainage systems, which can be implemented only on the basis of monitoring the effectiveness of drainage. Expert systems of horizontal drainage efficiency should become a modern theoretical and methodological basis for this monitoring. To solve the above problems on each irrigated system it is necessary to create appropriate expert systems, including primarily databases and knowledge bases and a set of specialized computer programs for modeling and forecasting the formation of ecological-reclamation mode of soils and landscapes on irrigated systems with drainage. The study offers the list of indexes under study for the complex estimation of efficiency of horizontal drainage and scientific-methodological approach to studying, analyzing and estimating of efficiency on the research-production plots of irrigation and drainage which are typical for the corresponding irrigated area and can be applied to control of the work of drainage on usual industrial production plots.
Стратегія зрошення та дренажу в Україні на період до 2030 року : схвалено розпорядженням Кабінету Міністрів України від 14 серпня 2019 року № 688-р. База даних «Законодавство України». URL:р#Text
Експертна система. Вікіпедія – вільна енциклопедія. URL:Експертна_система
Що таке база даних? Кафедра АПЕПС ТЕФ КПІ ім. І. Сікорського. URL:
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