



fish, minced meat, regime, spices, intensive mixing, taste, mechanical processing.


The results of the study of various modes of intensive mixing with the aim of establishing the most optimal for obtaining ready-made dishes with high taste qualities are given. At the same time, it was possible to use the electromechanical equipment that modern enterprises are equipped with. It was established that the values of the indicator indicators at the whipping mode of 540 rpm and 720 rpm are quite close. Considering the fact that modern equipment for whipping has a speed of rotation of the working organs not exceeding 540 … 670 rpm, for further research we have adopted the mode of intensive mixing with a speed of the working organs of 540 rpm. The time of intensive mixing is 3 … 4 min. Finished products obtained from cutlet mass subjected to intensive mixing at a speed of the working body of 540 rpm. Within 3 … 4 minutes, they keep their shape well, have high organoleptic indicators, in particular, the uniformity of the crust, tenderness, and juiciness draw attention. Samples of products with higher values of structural and mechanical indicators had a higher organoleptic evaluation. The consistency of the cutlet mass becomes homogeneous, lush, elastic, well formed. The organoleptic evaluation of finished products is also higher. So, the appearance is characterized by the uniformity of the golden-colored crust, without cracks or deformation. The tastings of new and traditional minced meat systems had certain differences. Thus, products prepared according to the developed technology have a homogeneous, juicy, elastic texture when cut. The taste and smell are pleasant; pronounced aroma characteristic of fish balls. Minced meat, the recipes of which included dry powdered spices, prepared using intensive mixing, were stored at 0 … -10 C for a longer time without visible changes in their quality: the products did not have a pronounced smell of oxidized fat. As a result of research, it was established that minced meat with phyto-additives, which was stored for 15 days, did not contain lipid oxidation products. Absorption spectra in the region of 230 … 300 nm were not observed. The longer the mixing took place, the more viscous the minced meat and its products became.


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How to Cite

Приліпко, Т. М., & Кузьмінська, І. М. (2023). EFFECTIVENESS OF DIFFERENT REGIMES OF INTENSIVE MIXING OF MINCED FISH WITH DIFFERENT FILLERS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 56-62. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-tech.2023.3.7

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