


menu, restaurant industry establishment, confectionery, flour confectionery.


At the present stage, an important criterion for the effective operation of restaurant industry establishments (RIE) is the ability to respond quickly to market changes. That is why market monitoring and analysis of the restaurant industry is a tool in the restaurant business that allows you to choose the right niche (segment), determine the concept of a restaurant and ensure a stable position in the market in a competitive struggle. The analysis of restaurant industry establishments makes it possible to assess the strengths and weaknesses of competitors and choose a strategy that will allow you to operate effectively in the market and make a profit. In the restaurant business, as in any other business, in order to make a profit, you need to be able to work with customers, staff, prices, assortment, and pay considerable attention to advertising. The menu also has a significant impact, which, if properly presented, can significantly increase the level of sales of the establishment. The article examines modern approaches to menu development. It is noted that ABC analysis and Menu engineering are the main tools for analyzing the economic efficiency and balance of menus of restaurant industry establishments of various formats. Using these resources, it is possible to determine which dishes are profitable and choose strategies for their further promotion. It is established that the process of menu development can take place both with the involvement of specialists (designer) and with the use of modern Internet services, the most common of which are Canva and Menumenu. It is the menu, principles and approaches to developing its appearance, assortment of dishes, and design that directly affect the activity of orders by guests of a catering establishment and, accordingly, form its profit level. The above actualizes the need to analyze the menu on the example of existing confectioneries in Kharkiv, including the ratio of products, their cost, and selling price, which will allow better determining the organizational aspects of its development. The carried out monitoring of the menu of confectioneries in Kharkiv allowed to identify the main groups of products sold in the establishments and to select the most popular positions.


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Маркетингові поради: меню кафе і ресторанів. URL: marketynhovi-porady-menyu/

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Що таке портфельний аналіз меню. URL: infocentr/metodu-analiza-menu.

Як правильно створювати меню, що себе продає. URL: https://www.proficlub. (дата звернення: 06.12.2018).

Створіть приголомшливе меню безкоштовно. URL: uk_ua/stvoryty/menu/.

Сервіс Menumenu. URL: (дата звернення: 03.12.2020).

Розробка QR-меню для ресторанів від Stravopys. promotion/_rozrobka-qrmenyu-dlya-restoraniv-vid-stravopys/987039 (дата звернення: 28.102.2020).



How to Cite

Юрченко , С. Л., Колеснікова, М. Б., Черемська, Т. В., Андрєєва, С. С., & Діхтяр, А. М. (2023). MODERN APPROACHES TO MENU DEVELOPMENT FOR RESTAURANT INDUSTRY ESTABLISHMENTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 79-87.