



tomato paste, product, quality indicators, technology, production, regulatory and technical documents


Setting objectives. The article examines the quality indicators of tomato paste, analyzes regulatory and technical documentation and requirements for production, transportation, and storage. Special attention is paid to existing production technologies and storage conditions of tomato paste. It is noted that today the main producers are enterprises of various forms of ownership in the South of Ukraine. Research results. The study of quality indicators and shelf life of tomato paste is an urgent task, especially in the context of ensuring the quality and safety of food products for consumers. The production of tomato paste in Ukraine is one of the most developed branches of the food industry. In addition, tomato paste is widely used in the food industry in the preparation of various sauces, vegetable and fish preservation. Therefore, the demand for this product is always stable and is not yet fully met by domestic manufacturers. Domestic producers of tomato paste use various tomato processing technologies, which affects the quality and shelf life of the product. Today, the domestic market is filled with tomato products of both imported and domestic production, which do not always meet the requirements of regulatory documents. The quality of tomato products directly depends on the quality of the raw materials for processing, which mainly include mechanically harvested tomatoes. Conclusions. Therefore, the study of the quality indicators of tomato paste and its shelf life is an urgent issue to ensure the safety and quality of the product for consumers. The above studies will help manufacturers to improve the quality of the product and will allow forming effective advice to manufacturers and consumers.


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How to Cite

Горач, О. О., & Вихованець, Р. М. (2023). FEATURES OF THE PRODUCTION OF TOMATO PASTA IN THE CONDITIONS OF FOOD SAFETY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (4), 94-101. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-tech.2023.4.12

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