


wheat flour, mint, chamomile, dandelion, bakery products, functional product.


Functional food products have been in increasing demand in recent years. It is known that they are created with the aim of improving traditional food products, by increasing the nutritional value, enriching with nutrients or endowment with dietary or medicinal properties. These products, despite the higher price, are gaining more and more demand due to better quality and beneficial effects on the body. This trend in the development of functional recipes applies to almost all branches of the food industry, and especially the production of bakery products. The most promising methods of fortification of bakery products include the following: partial replacement of wheat flour with other types, as well as the use of various vegetable additives. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages and is promising for the industry, as thanks to them it is possible to expand the range of special products and improve the consumer properties of finished products. The paper presents the results of theoretical studies using medicinal plant raw materials in the production of functional bakery products. On the basis of the conducted research, the use of domestic plant raw materials that have medicinal properties, namely mint, chamomile, and dandelion in the recipe composition of bakery products, is substantiated. The chemical composition of the main ingredients of plant raw materials, which are used as functional ingredients in the recipe of bakery products, was analyzed. It has been established that the use of plant raw materials as food additives, such as mint, chamomile and dandelion powder, in a rational ratio allows to obtain bakery products with functional properties of high quality.


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How to Cite

Горач, О. О., & Полодюк, Р. І. (2024). THE USE OF MEDICINAL PLANT RAW MATERIALS IN THE TECHNOLOGY OF MANUFACTURING FUNCTIONAL BAKERY PRODUCTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (5), 100-107.

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