


pumpkin, varieties, chemical composition, culinary purpose, commodity characteristics


The article is devoted to the study of the commodity-technological characteristics of edible pumpkins of different varieties and their influence on culinary purposes. Pumpkin is a valuable seasonal crop that is able to provide the consumer with vital components and promotes digestive processes. The use of pumpkin as a food additive to finished products is due to its positive effect on the human body. Its chemical composition contains a high number of biologically active substances that are necessary for the process of the body's vital activity. However, despite its rich chemical composition, it is not a common ingredient in confectionery production. Accordingly, it is important to study the types of edible pumpkin, analyze their chemical composition and study the most optimal varieties for use in the food industry. The subjects of the study were three main groups of edible pumpkins, these are nutmeg, largefruited and thick-skinned (ordinary). Among them, the varieties of the nutmeg group were noted for the best consumer properties. Muscat pumpkin varieties have good organoleptic characteristics and retain their aroma, color and structure well during heat treatment, which means that it is excellent for the food industry. Comparing different varieties, it was found that the Arabatsky variety was the best in terms of chemical composition and organoleptic characteristics. During the study, the highest content of β-carotene was determined compared to other pumpkins of this group. The high content of carotenoids gives the fruits a beautiful and bright color and affects the strengthening of human immunity. Therefore, this variety is proposed to be used both for industrial processing (food powders, candied fruits, etc.) and for use as the main and additional ingredient in culinary dishes and products. Due to the high content of essential substances, including pectin substances and low calorie content, pumpkin can be recommended for modeling dishes for dietary and therapeutic purposes.


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How to Cite

Дзюндзя, О. В., & Велнечук, О. О. (2024). RESEARCH OF DIFFERENT PUMPKIN VARIETIES FOR USE IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 174-180.

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