canned meat and vegetables, organoleptic characteristics, profile assessment, chilled meat, defrosted meat, common oysters, nutrient compositionAbstract
The article is devoted to the substantiation of the possibility of introducing cultivated mushrooms, namely oyster mushrooms, into the composition of canned meat and vegetables. This vegetable raw material has a number of useful properties: it is a low-calorie product; rich source of potassium; one of the richest sources of zinc, which helps maintain human immunity; instead of glucose, oyster mushrooms contain mannitol, so diabetics can safely include oyster mushrooms in their diet; a large number of vitamins B and D; a lot of fiber, which improves the digestive tract and normalizes its microflora. Theoretical calculations and practical developments have made it possible to develop a recipe for canned meat and vegetables and to propose a technological scheme. For comparison, different ratios of meat and mushrooms of the fungus genus were used, which were blanched at 800C for 5 minutes. Analysis of sensory and profile evaluation of developed products shows a very attractive and harmonious combination of canned ingredients in sample №1, where the content of fungal raw materials is 23%. This variant had the smell and taste of stewed pork with a slight taste of mushrooms, evenly distributed pieces of meat and mushrooms and a small amount of jelly-like broth. It was found that canned meat and vegetable variant I, where the number of plant components is 23%, is slightly inferior to the control sample in terms of nutritional composition, but has higher rates than in the second variant (where 38% of raw meat is replaced by mushrooms). B1, B3, B6, B12, D, E), minerals (Na, P, Se, Zn). From the point of view of macro- and micronutrient composition, the ratio of raw meat to vegetable 65% / 23% is the most optimal.
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