



cut products, dietary direction, meat bread, chicken fillet, turkey fillet, spinach, organoleptic indicators, physicochemical indicators, quality indicators


Creating health meat products is an important social and scientific task. It aims to reduce the low-value ingredients contained in raw materials. Dietary and therapeutic products are designed to play a role in the physiology of nutrition, increasing the intake of certain nutrients and biologically active substances. The work is devoted to the study of quality indicators of the developed meat culinary dish, analyzed the possibility of using spinach greens as a functional vegetable raw material and poultry meat to create chopped meat products for dietary purposes. A recipe for making meat bread from chicken fillet and spinach in two versions (10 and 15%) and meat bread from turkey fillet in the same combinations was developed and a comparative analysis was performed. Studies of organoleptic quality, physico-chemical and functional-technological indicators, make it possible to say that products from poultry (both chicken and turkey fillets) and vegetable raw materials of the second option (15% spinach and 2% pumpkin seeds), have a more pronounced dietary direction (in terms of micronutrients), better in taste, have gentle consistency and greater plasticity, have greater moisture retention capacity and lose less weight during heat treatment. Quality indicators of cut meat products for dietary purposes, namely meat bread, indicate the possibility of storing the finished product for 48 hours, as this type of product can be served both hot and chilled. In order to expand the range of dishes for connoisseurs of healthy eating, you can offer restaurants to include in the menu chopped meat dishes for dietary purposes from poultry meat with raw materials, namely spinach in the amount of 15% and pumpkin seeds – 2%.


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How to Cite

Ряполова, І. (2022). EXAMINATION OF DIETARY MEAT DISHES ACCORDING TO QUALITY INDICATORS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 125-134. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-tech.2022.1.14